About Kristie

I grew up working in my family’s small fish & chips restaurant in Fremont. My parents moved us here from Taiwan when I was seven, hoping to give their children more opportunities than they had in a country under martial law. I learned first-hand how challenging life can be for small business owners, immigrants, and working class families. Despite our modest means, my parents always showed us the importance of taking care of those around us and engaging in the community.

I went on to earn bachelor’s and master’s degrees in public policy from the University of Chicago and Harvard and forged a career as a public policy professional. I have worked at every level of government and actively engaged in policy making and community organizing. I worked in Washington D.C. on U.S.-Taiwan relations and provided legislative support to the Pentagon, then moved back to California and transitioned to education, child, and family policy.

I have lived in the Tri-Valley for 25 years with my husband, 18 of those years in Livermore raising our two children and now our nephew. We liked Livermore for its tight-knit community, focus on families, and open space. In recent years, we’ve come to love the diverse and multicultural festivals that demonstrate Livermore is a place for everyone.

Since moving to Livermore in 2006, I have volunteered with our schools and youth activities as my children grew up. I became an active member of several community organizations, such as Tri-Valley Haven, where I have been a volunteer advocate for more than 13 years. I also serve as Vice Chair of the Tri-Valley Chapter of the Asian Pacific Islander American Public Affairs Association (APAPA) and organize the annual Juneteenth Festival at Bankhead Plaza with Tri-Valley for Black Lives.

In 2018, alarmed by the youth vaping epidemic, I teamed up with two other moms to combat this problem in Livermore by advocating for local policy to restrict the sale of vape products. After more than a year of intensive effort against Big Tobacco, Livermore followed San Francisco in passing the strongest tobacco control ordinance in the country, garnering national attention for our groundbreaking work. I continued to work to replicate these policies throughout the Bay Area.

This led to my successful run for Livermore School Board in 2020, where I am currently serving my fourth year. I was elected Board Clerk in 2023 and currently serve on the Delegate Assembly of the California State School Board Association. I have been on the Intergovernmental Committee since 2020, representing the school district in working with the City of Livermore, LARPD, and Las Positas College on issues of mutual interest. I also completed the Leadership Livermore and Livermore Community Police Academy programs.

Family AdvancingLeadership Juneteenth Vapes JazzHands

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